A garden in an arid zone (a region where the potential evaporation is higher than the rainfall) like the Algarve needs an effective garden irrigation.

The garden planning includes the irrigation of the several garden areas and the garden is split into different sectors.
High quality irrigation controllers switch on the different sectors and allow an individual irrigation runtime and water amount.

The irrigation material will be chosen according to the needs. Drip lines are used for the irrigation of flower beds, raised beds and potted plants are supplied with water by micro tubes and micro sprays.
Lawn areas are irrigated efficiently with pop-up sprinklers with adjustable radius.

An additional application of an irrigation system is the fire protection, which will work as a sprinkler system and keep an estate humid in case of fire.


Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is the most economical way of irrigation because of its low water consumption. The water runs through above and below ground installed pipes, drippers are installed close to the plants and supply their roots with water. A continuous amount of water is delivered through the drippers according to the water need of the plant. By the purposive moistening only of the small area around the plant the water can’t drain away in the remaining soil or evaporate.

Fertilizer and plant protection products can be added to the water. Furthermore, the specific irrigation and fertilisation can be automated. This leads to a lower amount of work and a more precise control of the irrigation. The major benefits of this irrigation system are low energy and working costs.

The eluviations of minerals and nutrients, the pollution with herbicides and the salting of soil will be strongly reduced. The controlled discharge of water and fertilizer reduces weed growing.

The efficiency factor of drip irrigation is high. Drip irrigation is the system with the highest water use efficiency and the lowest deleterious effect.